How do you train to use a tactical pen?

3 min readJan 13, 2023


Training to use a tactical pen effectively requires a combination of physical and mental preparation. A tactical pen is a self-defense tool that is designed to be used in close-quarters combat, and it is important to understand the capabilities and limitations of this tool to use it effectively.

First, it is important to familiarize yourself with the construction and design of your specific titanium tactical pen. This will include understanding the different parts of the pen, such as the cap, the body, and the point or tip. It is also important to understand how the pen functions, such as how to remove the cap and how to write with it. It is also important to understand the materials used to make the pen, as some pens may have different levels of durability or strength.

Another key feature of a tactical edc pen is its ability to write. Many tactical pens are equipped with a refillable ticlicker ink cartridge refill, allowing you to write in a variety of situations. Whether you need to take notes in a survival situation or jot down a reminder, a tactical pen is a reliable tool to have on hand. To write with a tactical pen, simply unscrew the cap and press the tip onto the paper. Be sure to keep the cap on when not in use to prevent the ink from drying out.

Many tactical pens also come equipped with additional survival features such as a glass breaker or a whistle. A glass breaker is a pointed tip that can be used to break car windows in emergencies. To use a glass breaker, position the pointed tip against the glass and strike it with force. The whistle, on the other hand, can be used to signal for help in survival situations. To use the whistle, remove the cap and blow into the pen to produce a loud noise.

In addition to these features, some tactical pens also include a titanium pen with flashlight, which can come in handy in low-light situations. To use the flashlight, simply turn on the switch located on the pen and point the light in the direction you need to see. The flashlight can be used to navigate dark areas or to signal for help in a survival situation.

Lastly, it is important to note that a tactical pen should be used responsibly. Always carry your tactical pen in a safe and secure place, such as a sheath or a bag. This will prevent accidental injuries and ensure that it is readily available when you need it. Additionally, be aware of the laws in your area regarding carrying and using a tactical pen. Some states have restrictions on the possession and use of weapons, including tactical pens. Be sure to educate yourself on the laws in your area and use your tactical pen responsibly.

In conclusion, a tactical pen is a versatile and useful tool that can be used for self-defense, writing, and survival situations. Whether you are an outdoor enthusiast or someone who wants an extra level of protection, a titanium tactical pen is a valuable tool to have on hand. Practice proper technique and use it responsibly to ensure its effectiveness and safety. Remember, the main goal of using a tactical pen is to escape from a dangerous situation, never to take the offensive. With the right training and knowledge, a tactical pen can give you an added level of protection and peace of mind in any situation.




Written by nottinghamtactical


We are the leading store of Ballpoint Ink Pens & we also offer precision CNC machined products. We carry a variety of pens and accessories with high-quality!

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